Amelia’s 2 Year Old Vocabulary List
Being the Mother of a toddler I thought I would share my 2 year old vocabulary list simply because I want to show other Moms the sort of words their darlings should be saying! Not to mention the fact I want to be able to use this as a comparison tool whenever my son gets to this stage to see if he is following in the same development path as his sister! Everyone is keen to know what words a 2 year old should know and say and I bet you will be surprised at how many my little girl knows! It is a real journey
Without further ado find my toddler vocabulary list! I have tried to break this down to sections as well as document how much she progressed through the year from age 2 to age 3! Wow what a learning curve, toddler’s really pick up everything around them and us Mom’s can really influence this! I mainly use toys that promote language development– especially role play ones!
2 Year Old Vocabulary List Broken Down Into Sections
Weather – By the time Amelia turned 2 she was able to tell me whether it was sunny, cloudy or raining. By the age of 30 months she expanded her toddler vocabulary list to include words like foggy, icy, as well as adding extra descriptions for example it is a little bit cold. I always encourage my toddler to learn new words on a daily basis. As a result her 2 year old vocabulary list is extensive.
Body Parts – Amelia can say and know more than 20 body parts including heart, toes, fingernails, mouth, nose, eyes, eyelashes etc.
Animals – Amelia starting learning animal words around the age of 18 months. It is so easy for toddlers to learn through picture books. She knows simple animal words like dog, cat cow as well as more complicated words like alligator, crocodile, caterpillar, hippo, elephant. She knows over 30 animal words.
Colors – At 30 months Amelia’s toddler vocabulary list includes more than 10 colors! She knows colors like purple, brown, pink as well as primary colors. She is not aware of colors like coral, or light/dark versions of colors yet.
Foods – My husband is such a foodie it is no wonder Amelia knows words like trout and prawns (and she loves to eat them too).
Numbers – Amelia could count to 8 by the time she was 28 months old! I am so proud I have actually taken a note of this milestone, her little brother has a lot to live up too 😉 However she knows lots of other numbers too. I am not sure she knows what they mean but she can say them.
Feelings/Emotions – happy, scared, angry, cross, sad. I always encourage Amelia to talk about her feelings and as a result she now uses several of these on a regular basis.
Random words :-
Boring! Here again it is used in the correct context. She says it all the time especially if I ask her to sit on the potty or put on an episode of Peppa Pig she has seen dozens of times!
Independent – Amelia’s Granda taught her this word and she knows the meaning too!
Piping- copying me again as I always say this when someone is too hot. Amelia will always say it is piping, time to cool it down.
How Many Words Should a 2 Year Old Know?
Now that I have shared my 2 year old vocabulary list it is time to find out what the professionals say. According to the experts at Baby Center the number of words a 2 year old should know is around 250 words by 24 months and 450 words by 30 months (i.e. 2 and a half). I have never counted my toddler vocabulary list but I am pretty sure she exceeds 450 at 30 months so I am pleased.
I found an article on 2 year old language development from Parents and they had a checklist of words that should be in your toddler vocabulary list. I have added them below:-
Book, All gone, shoe, bath, car, cat, ball, banana, eye, nose, juice, milk, yes, no, mummy, daddy, baby
Obviously your child may not say all of these but may use alternatives, for example, Amelia stopped saying All gone ages ago, now she says finished or done!
Two Year Old Language Development is Fab
Watching 2 year old language development is fabulous being a SAHM. I notice my little girl saying new words daily! I really wished I kept a printable or diary of everything she says! I might have to create one of these and if I do I will share it with you all! This is not a complete 2 year old vocabulary list and I will hopefully update it on a regular basis. Please feel free to tell me all about the words your 2 year old uses/knows in the comments section!
My daughter is almost 20 months and is extremely gifted in the way of speaking, remembering words, counting, songs etc. It’s amazing to watch your little ones learn new things!