Minnie Mouse Bowtique Vacuum Cleaner is perfect toy hoover
The Minnie Mouse Bowtique Vacuum Cleaner was on the Christmas Wishlist of my 6 year old niece, Kimberley. She was very excited when compiling her list and she insisted that I buy this for her. I remember having something similar when I was that age but the difference with this is that it is a toy vacuum cleaner that really works!
Kimberley loves to watch her Mum cleaning and she is a massive Minnie Mouse fan so this pink toy vacuum cleaner is the perfect gift for her. I was pleasantly surprised at the value for money too! She just has to be perfect her 3 year old cousin does not steal it on her!
In a hurry then get the Minnie Mouse Bowtique Vacuum Cleaner right now!
Minnie Mouse Bow Tique Vacuum Cleaner

Just Play Minnie Bowtique Vacuum Cleaner
The Minnie Mouse Bow Tique Vacuum cleaner is suitable for girls as young as 3 and as old as 6. As I said my 6 year old niece actually requested this so I am sure she will still be playing with it when she is 7 or maybe 8. You activate the toy by pushing the twinkle bow, which lights up as you clean..no more excuses for not hoovering when it is dark! One side lights up pink and the other side lights up purple. Imagine how happy Kimberley’s Mum is going to be when she switches on her Minnie Mouse Bowtique vacuum cleaner and starts clearing away crumbs and dirt. This is supposed to be most effective on carpet which is perfect for Kimberley’s bedroom. If I was her Mum I would make her hoover her bedroom from now on! Hopefully the novelty will not wear off.
ToyToy Vacuum Cleaner that really works
Toy Vacuum Cleaner that really works
This Minnie Mouse Bow Tique vacuum cleaner is a toy vacuum cleaner that really works. Mummy’s vacuum is way too heavy for little girls to push around so now they can have their own!
As you can see there are pink balls in the canister. These swirl round whenever the hoover is operational and help make the realistic noises and sounds typical of a cleaner. To be honest it is the sounds that make little girls feel as if they are helping Mummy out with the housework. You know how it is they really like to copy everything you do and now they can!
Toy Vacuum for Girls- they will not want anything else!
The Minnie Mouse Bowtique vacuum cleaner is the perfect toy vacuum for girls. It is pink and girly and let us face it most little girls love pink so why chose anything else! The bottom has a cute Minnie Mouse face surrounded by hearts. Minnie’s name is also engraved around the shaft of the vacuum cleaner. Kimberley is so pleased to be cleaning along with Minnie Mouse. She kept pointing to the Minnie Mouse on her vacuum as she was cleaning. Get your little girl interested in house work from an early age and help her learn the importance of keeping the house clean.
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